Please call 443-829-5828 or Click on for the full line of Hunter Calls.
We have designed a Brand New Goose Call from scratch called "The G SPOT" with "AIR STEP TECHNOLOGY." This call is so realistic, it fools even the educated Honkers.
This call is a contest caliber goose call that can perform on the stage and in
the field. With the ALL new "AIR STEP TECHNOLOGY." this call can
produce fast, loud, high, low and still has the power to reach out a touch them if you want to. This call would be great for any caller young or old, experienced, or not so experienced. Also a great call for the die hard waterfowl hunter
looking for more volume and power out of a call.
Don't Keep us a Secret
If you have any questions please call 443-829-5828 or visit our website at